Monday, September 6, 2010

Is your bed making you sick?

I know, just what we need, another question about what is healthy or unhealthy for us. But ponder this before you say I don't care. Infants and toddlers spend 1/2 their lives sleeping, teenagers and adults 1/3 of their days in La La Land. So logic asks, shouldn't your place of slumber not only be comfortable but also as healthy for you as possible? The answer of course is yes. The problem is most don't give a second thought as to how safe and healthy their bed is because of complacency and our lazy willingness to trust those that manufacture, regulate and sell all products we consumers need. Try this on for size, nearly all baby mattresses manufactured today contain polyurethane foam, vinyl (PVC), Phthalates, chemical fire retardants, and an extensive list of added industrial chemicals. Phthalates are a group of those man made chemicals known to affect a child's developing endocrine (known as hormonal) system. They may also cause asthma, allergies and can even add to the development of some forms of cancer. These chemicals are so hazardous they have been banned in many countries around the world. Bromine, another hazard in the man made chemical world we wallow, is mainly used as a fire retardent in mattresses  and exposure to it can predispose sleepers to diseases of the prostate, thyroid, and breast. Polyurethane foam is used in most mattresses because it is cheap,( as are most things that are bad and unhealthy for you), lightweight, strong and durable. This foam then off gases and decomposes over time releasing deadly and carcinogenic vapors. Many other synthetic, fire retardant, petroleum based products, toxic glues, stains and coatings are used in the manufacturing of  mattresses  and no one studies the effects these substances have on our endocrine, immune, reproductive and central nervous systems singularly and most importantly synergistically. NO studies here in the U.S.  NONE!!  Studies done in New Zealand, Britain and Germany showing the negative effects of these products used have been ignored by the American Medical community. If that doesn't send an SOS through your immune system you better check your pulse or try reciting your ABC's because my guess is your not capable of remembering them. Years ago mattresses weren't made with this toxic soup of ingredients but because of recent history and our governments requirements to make mattresses resist open flames and resistant to a dropped, lit cigarette they are soaked in this soup of chemicals of which the harm they possibly cause is completely ignored and unstudied. What does one do to remedy this you ask? Look towards replacing these mattresses, (especially your crib mattresses), with healthier, non toxic choices such as organic cotton, wool, or natural latex (if there is no allergy). If that is not conducive to your balanced checkbook at least look into using organic cotton or wool toppers and pads which help shield the sleeper from the negatives effects of our modern U.S. sleep systems. As always the idea here is to present the info, inform, and urge you to become proactive not reactive. Complacency has no place in a healthy, long life no matter how hard they try to market it, sell it, and lull you to sleep.
Best of Health and a PFL,